Friday 19 December 2014

Trading in Soul..

Yuletide Greetings

I've had a Busy week of relocating my Printer etc and Printing orders. I've also taken a few Seasonal Photos uploaded the best to Photocrowd

'Bauble' 2014

Photography takes a lot of time if you are a Novice as I am. Although I've taken thousands of Photographs, including Studio Shoots, I haven't narrowed my interest sufficiently to master any particular genre of Photography. Instead like a Student, I am developing my understanding of how to slow myself down enough to capture the best picture. The evening Photography Class with Rick Cordell,  has taught me how to be more technical in my approach to the Subject. It has expanded my understanding of the world of Photographers, more than anything I've studied using the Internet. Online Tutorials have their place in my development too.YouTube has been the best at providing an education in Editing & Printing and the odd Photography lesson, but it doesn't compare to having a Studio full of keen Photographers, sharing tips, info and images. I shall be enrolling again  for another ten Classes next term.

Portrait Photography at  the Shadwell Centre with Rick Cordell

In the mean time I'm selling Photos Prints & Greeting Cards, Tags, Stickers etc, here at my Etsy Shop and off outside to get some new Photos. 

Yuletide Peace & Goodwill to Everyone. 

Thursday 11 December 2014

whether to weather the weather.

I've been camping twice already this Season. I find it difficult keeping the packing to a minimum when one needs clothes for all occasions. My first camping event was at the end of April,at Kniveton in Derby for The 'Rainbow Circle 'Beltane'. The wind was practically a constant companion, the rain, luckily a rare visitor and the sun surprisingly hot.
I'm always amazed at how much the weather can effect the general mood. When the wind drops everything seems calmer, when the sun shines everyone relaxes but when it rains, if you are lucky, it all gets cosier in the communal areas. The board games come out the burner gets lit everyone gets together. At Sunrise the sun, did what it always does and brought out the best in everyone. It is hard to work in and there is always the danger of overdoing it, so the occasional fluffy clouds, and gentle breezes were a blessing for those setting up or doing physical work outdoors.
So far this year we have not had enough rain for it to become waterlogged. When it rains to that point, there is nothing to enjoy about camping in it.The only thing to be gained from it is the psychological strength you can get from enduring it, rather than giving up and going home. I hope Glastonbury festival manages to miss out again this year!